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Transparent Plaque Treatment (Orthodontics)

It can be cleaned with a toothbrush with warm water once a day. You can brush with toothpaste if you wish.

It is prepared within 7-10 days after oral measurement or scanning.

Transparent composites the size of a pinhead are attached to some of your teeth. This process acts as a snap and ensures that the plaque stays in the desired position on the teeth. At the end of the treatment, the composites are removed from the tooth surface.

Another application is 0.2-0 3 mm abrasion between the teeth to get the desired position of the teeth and decoupage the space gap. This abrasion is the basis of orthodontic treatments with clear aligners. It does not disturb the enamel structure of the teeth and does not harm them.

Treatments with clear aligners are generally an orthodontic treatment method applied to adults. It is an orthodontic treatment without braces applied by an orthodontist with a series of transparent plaques specially made for the mouth structure of each patient. Although it cannot be used in all orthodontic problems, it can provide adequate correction in mild case of crooked teeth.

The biggest advantage of removable clear aligners is their visual superiority. It is not known to others that you are being treated. You can eat comfortably by removing the aligners, there is no ban on eating and drinking in orthodontic treatments applied with braces, and the teeth can be brushed easily.

Transparent plaques are used, by changing them every 2-3 weeks according to your doctor's advice. In the first days, the sensitivity and pain caused by the movement of the teeth will decrease and pass in the following days.

There is a check up frequency of 4-6 weeks. This period may be extended according to the decision of your doctor

After the use of all aligners is complete, you will have fixed retainers that will be positioned on the inner surface of the teeth.

It is recommended to use it for 18-20 hours, including during the day and at bedtime, excluding meals. It does not need to be removed when using non-hot drinks. It can be removed and worn at short intervals during the day.